
Susan Tyler Hitchcock

Picture of PatZi (with a Z!)
PatZi (with a Z!)

Creator & Host

Into the Forest by Susan Tyler Hitchcock

Into the Forest: The Secret Language of Trees with introduction by ….

Listen to PatZi's Interview

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Two things in my childhood made a lifelong impact on my life: trees and National Geographic Magazines.

Growing up in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula was pure joy for a kid. In the summer we spent our days having fun. After we did our chores we took a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a jar of KoolAid, and a book or two — then we spent our day under the beech trees.

Winters were spent sitting on a braided carpet and reading NatGeo Magazines. 

So it was a thrill to talk to a fellow Michigander, Susan Tyler Hitchcock about Into the Forest. It is a book that will give you hours of joy — and it is the perfect gift for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. 

NatGeoGift-Trees-Histchcock (04-04-22)

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