Author Interview

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Flares Up by Niamh McAnally

FLARES UP: A Story Bigger than the Atlantic

I had so much fun talking to Niamh McAnally about this great book. Lovely to hear an Irish lilt!

To take a true story and turn it into a book that has all the thrill of a novel is an art. There’s a wee bit of Irish magic in this story about two men who challenge themselves. Paul Hopkins and Phil Hughes did the seemingly impossible–and Niamh McAnally did the rest. She has brought their courage alive. And, like all Irish writers, she does it with a lovely turn of phrase, a great big portion of soul, and that humor that makes us connected to each other. 

I’ve invited Niamh to join me on my new YouTube channel, JOY ON PAPER LIVE! Get her book and start reading now. Then tune in to our interview. 

About the Book:

Flares Up is the true story of adventure, tenacity and the capacity of the human spirit to triumph over adversity!

Firefighter Paul Hopkins, 55, survives a brain hemorrhage. The experience motivates him to undertake the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge – to row 3,000 miles across the Atlantic. He teams up with entrepreneur Phil Pugh, who is aged 65 but renowned for undertaking extreme physical challenges in honor of his disabled son.

They encounter major financial and physical setbacks, which cause years of delays and put a strain on both their marriages.

Finally, on December 12, 2019, in a fourth-hand 20ft wooden boat, they set off from the Canary Islands.

Violent storms, 30ft waves and equipment failure leave both men seasick, dehydrated and sleep-deprived.

Alone on the ocean, they are forced to examine their lives.

Was the decision to undertake this challenge brave, selfish or foolish?

After 70 days, nine hours and 11 minutes at sea, they cross the finish line, two changed men. Will either of their wives be there to greet them? AVAILABLE ONLINE.

Visit Niamh’s website and sign up for her newsletter.

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