Author Interview


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An Undisturbed Peace by Mary Glickman

It was a JOY to talk to Mary Glickman again. She was on Joy on Paper a month ago to talk about her latest release: BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON.

At the time I mentioned that I enjoyed her writing–especially a very important book that she wrote several years ago: AN UNDISTURBED PEACE.

It is a heart wrenching story of the forced march of the Cherokee tribe across America in what is known as the Trail of Tears.

About the book:

As the tribes of the South make the grueling journey across the Mississippi River, a trio of disparate characters is united by a “far-reaching story of love, courage, and honor” (Booklist).

Greensborough, North Carolina, 1828. Abrahan Bento Sassaporta Naggar has traveled to America from the filthy streets of East London in search of a better life. But Abe’s visions of a privileged apprenticeship in the Sassaporta Brothers’ empire are soon replaced with the grim reality of indentured servitude.

Some fifty miles west, Dark Water of the Mountains, the daughter of a powerful Cherokee chief, leads a life of irreverent solitude. Twenty years ago, she renounced her family’s plans for her to marry a wealthy white man—a decision that soon proves fateful.

Hailed as “the finest depiction of the infamous Trail of Tears,” this unflinching novel sheds light on a tragic history (Pat Conroy, author of The Great Santini).

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