Author Interview

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Rehearsed to Death by Frank Anthony Polito

Another great Kensington cover! They certainly captured the fun of Frank Anthony Polito’s Book #2 in his A Domestic Partners in Crime Mystery series: REHARSED TO DEATH. 

Last year when Frank was on Joy on Paper we talked about Renovated to Death, which was all about renovating a house for a television series. That’s something I know about and so I got a kick out of it. JP and Peter are great characters.

Frank writes so very well and the idea of two guys from New York moving to Detroit is one I couldn’t resist. I always love to talk about Detroit–it brings back fond memories.

Rehearsed to Death is about the production of Peter’s play for a community theater. Working backstage is always so hectic. It takes a lot of team work. And dealing with a diva director named Xander Sherwood Deva makes for a challenge out front, too. 

So happy that Frank has written Book #3 that will come out in time for Halloween 2024. I’m eager to see what JP and PJ will do with a haunted house in Detroit. It’s going to be fun!. Because you can tell that Frank has found the joy of writing.

Sometimes directors can get caught up in their own egos...
Detroit Institute of Art

I spent my entire Junior year of high school in this marvelous art museum....

There was a center courtyard where they served a proper cup of tea. (Tthe woman who ran it was from Canada) and the loveliest almond pastries..

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