Author Interview

PIX-with gold-ELLIOT-Lexie

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Bright & Deadly Things by Lexie Elliot

Wow! So much fun to get a guest calling in from the Swiss Alps! Envy, anyone? Yah! Like this should have been one of those remote interviews–if only someone would send me! I would indeed travel a long way to sit down with Lexie Elliott to talk about the Chalet des Anglais and her new suspense, Bright and Deadly Things.

She’s so fascinating–I mean, I don’t get to talk to an someone who went to Oxford everyday. It’s always great fun to talk about Oxford–I spent a great deal of time there. Lot’s of the books on the bookshelf next to me are from there–I haunted the used bookstores. The title of her book is a good description of Lexie: bright and deadly. Smart writing combined with a deliciously convoluted mind results in a twisty, intricate suspense that make for a great read. Enjoy this interview–I did!

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