Author Interview


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Harold the Amazing by Calvin Reynolds

Guest Host, Davon Miller, talked with the multi-talented author and illustrator, Calvin Reynolds about HAROLD, the AMAZING. It is the third book in a series written to inspire kids to believe in themselves. As they read these delightful books with bright illustrations, they will discover from Harold that by being kind and thoughtful, they too can be amazing.

Previous books are Harold’s Big Dreams and Harold Gets an F. 

Calvin Reynolds is also the author of the Jayce the Bee series. His books reflect his love for drawing and his hope to make the world a better place for kids and for all of us.. 

Visit Calvin Reynold’s website to find out more about his books and about discover the game app that features Jayce. You can even buy a t-shirt! Like Harold, Jayce inspires kids to be their best.

Just Being Yourself Changes Everything = JAYCE

You will enjoy Davon’s interview with Calvin, 

They share their love of books and their goal to inspire young people.

Visit Jayce the Bee’s website:


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