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Operation: Grendel by Daniel Schwabauer

Bria Burton was the Guest Host on Joy on Paper for a very special Sci-Fi hour. Daniel Schwabauer is the author of OPERATION GRENDEL, a military sci-fi book.

You don’t have to be a sci-fi fan to enjoy Operation Grendel.  It has universal appeal–and not just because it takes place on a far distant moon. The question of truth and lies are explored in a book that is relevant to everyone. What in the world-or out of the world–are we going to do with AI. It is a glimpse into the potential benefits–and dangers it poses.

About the book:

Military journalist Corporal Raymin Dahl is on a  dream assignment. He is sent to cover peace talks with the Grendels on a remote tropical moon. It will make him famous. Or it might just kill him, because before the negotiations begin his commanding officer, Ansell Sterling, is wounded. Can Dahl take his place? It won’t be easy to impersonate a Marine corps hero.

The story is about a PSYOP (psychological operations) mission gone wrong (or has it?) and so much more. There are twists and turns and an unexpected ending to keep you turning the pages.

Who are the grendels? Integrated AIs who had transformed into something other than homo sapiens. Homo integris? Whatever they are, they’re loyal. Not one had defected in twenty-eight years. But are they ready for peace?

Daniel Schwabauer has done some major worldbuilding in this excellent book.

You will enjoy this interview with Bria Burton and Daniel Schwabauer. These two sci-fi enthusiasts have a grand time talking about Operation Grendel.

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